Belinda Moore on Vital Importance of Diverse Backgrounds, Stories and Experiences

Gilead employee Belinda Moore, Associate Director, Patient Support Department, Managed Markets, says, “It means everything that Gilead recognizes we all have different backgrounds, stories and experiences. Having a seat at the table ultimately benefits the diverse patient population we serve.”

Belinda Moore

Associate Director, Patient Support Strategy
Managed Markets
Location: Foster City, CA
Joined Gilead: November 2013

Belinda Moore, Associate Director, Patient Support Strategy, is part of a team that helps U.S. residents find support and resources available to them as they start treatment with a Gilead medicine. Learn how Belinda’s career has grown and evolved through various opportunities at Gilead and how she contributes to our efforts to prioritize access, equity, inclusion and diversity

Q: What drew you to your field and how did you come to work at Gilead?

My career path has not been linear, but I knew I wanted to work in the healthcare industry after serving as a candy striper volunteer in the emergency room during high school. I also saw firsthand how complex the healthcare system can be when my father went through multiple back surgeries. I began my career in clinical contracting, then transitioned to roles in commercial after graduate school.

I joined Gilead because of our inspiring mission and vision. It's amazing that we’ve developed a cure for hepatitis C and individuals living with HIV can live long, productive lives. The impact that Gilead has globally on patients resonated with me as an immigrant and drew me to the organization.

Q: Can you tell us about the Patient Support Strategy department at Gilead and your role on the team?

The Patient Support Strategy department is wonderful group of individuals who are passionate about ensuring anyone in the United States who could benefit from our medicines has access to them. We work with both internal and external partners to help address reimbursement challenges and health disparities in access to our therapies.

In my role, I work to help ensure Gilead’s programs support access to people who are prescribed our viral hepatitis medicines. For example, I manage a website that provides clear direction for patients and healthcare providers about everything they need to know when preparing to start treatment.

There are many instances highlighting our work’s impact, but for me, it stands out when patients come to campus and share their journeys. Their visits and stories remind us we can all play a critical role in improving the health of the patients we serve. It’s inspiring when we receive direct feedback from patients about how our programs helped them navigate their treatment experience.

Q: You’re on the leadership committee of GLOBE, Gilead’s employee resource group for Black employees. Can you tell us about GLOBE’s objectives and how they contribute to inclusion and diversity at Gilead?

Inclusion and diversity is essential for any company to grow and be successful. The goals of Gilead Leadership Organization of Black Employees (GLOBE) include to enhance professional development, create a sense of community and foster a work culture in which all people are valued, empowered and given opportunities to contribute.

I’ve had the privilege to be a part of a number of our employee resource groups (ERGs) at Gilead and currently serve as GLOBE‘s Event and Inter-ERG Lead. GLOBE is a dynamic group that brings creative and educational programs to all of Gilead, celebrates our uniqueness, and highlights how diverse voices enrich our organization.

It’s always a joy to recognize our communities’ achievements. Every year, our leaders celebrate and honor Black History Month by encouraging employees to participate in various activities and programs. Gilead also matches donations given to select organizations identified by GLOBE through our Giving Together program for employees. This commitment stretches far beyond Black History Month, as GLOBE provides programming and advocates for Black communities year-round.

It means everything that Gilead recognizes we all have different backgrounds, stories and experiences. Having a seat at the table ultimately benefits the diverse patient population we serve.

Q: How would you describe the opportunities for career growth at Gilead? Why is working here more than ‘just a job’?

While there are many professional development programs at Gilead, I’ve grown the most from the various experiences of the different roles I’ve held over the years. During my time at Gilead, I’ve worked on several teams within our Managed Markets organization. I’ve had the opportunity to work in Commercial Contracting supporting all therapies, Managed Market Marketing and now our Patient Support Strategy department. I’ve worked to negotiate agreements, created strategies and built programs for new product launches. Each role has been rewarding and challenged me to grow professionally through my experiences. I’ve formed lasting relationships and built a career that serves a larger purpose.

There are so many different career pathways you can pursue at Gilead. You do not have to be a scientist to make a difference and impact patients. We all have a part to play.

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