


Collaborations of all kinds - with partners in science, academia, business and local communities - are central to our work. Partnerships enhance our ability to develop innovative medicines and deliver them to people as efficiently as possible.

Healthcare professionals, other relevant decision makers and healthcare organizations with whom we work provide valuable, independent and expert knowledge derived from their clinical and management experience. This expertise makes an important contribution to our efforts to improve the quality of patient care, with benefits for individuals and society at large. We believe healthcare professionals, other relevant decision makers and healthcare organizations should be fairly compensated for the legitimate expertise and services they provide.

We are fully committed to compliance with healthcare spend transparency requirements which require disclosure of payments and transfers of value made to healthcare professionals, other relevant decision makers and healthcare organizations. We believe this is the right approach for industry and enhances stakeholder trust.

In line with local transparency reporting requirements, we're disclosing interactions with healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations in the following reports for European countries, supported by either the Gilead EFPIA Methodological Note or by a locally adapted one.

Inquiries about any of these reports should be directed here.

Click here to access transparency reporting information for Austria

Click here to access transparency reporting information for Belgium

As of 2020, the Czech affiliate (Gilead Sciences s.r.o.) is a member of the Czech Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry (AIFP). In line with our obligations to disclose payments and transfers of value, disclosure information covering the previous calendar year is published on the AIFP Disclosure platform www.transparentnispoluprace.cz annually on or around June 30. Find disclosure information for previous years below. 

Get more information about Gilead operations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Click here to access transparency reporting information for Denmark.

Click here to access transparency reporting information for Finland.

Click here to access transparency reporting information for France

Click here to access transparency reporting information for Germany.

Click here to access transparency reporting information for Greece.

Click here to access transparency reporting information for Iceland.

In line with the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association code, transfers for value made to HCPs, HCOs based in Ireland, are uploaded on https://www.transferofvalue.ie on or around 30 of June covering the previous calendar year.

Enquiries about the disclosed transfers of value should be directed here.

Click here to access transparency reporting information for Italy.

Since 2021, to avoid duplication, EFPIA has granted a deviation of the application of the local industry code (SIFFA) rules. In accordance with this deviation, no disclosure under the code is required and any transfers of value made to HCPs and HCOs by Gilead are disclosed on the Latvian Health Inspectorate website. Please see the ‘European Distributor Market Countries’ section below for details of any transfers of value made to Patient Organisations.

No R&D-related transfers of value to report. Please see the ‘European Distributor Market Countries’ section below for details of any transfers of value made to Patient Organisations.

Click here to access transparency reporting information for Luxembourg

In line with the Commissie Geneesmiddelen Reclame (CGR) code, transfers for value made to HCPs, HCOs and Patient Organizations based in Netherlands, are uploaded on www.transparantieregister.nl on or around 31st of May covering the previous calendar year.

R&D spend is disclosed in aggregate on the affiliate’s web page.

Enquiries about the disclosed transfers of value should be directed here.

Click here to access transparency reporting information for Norway.

In line with our obligations to disclose payments and transfers of value, disclosure information in Portugal is disclosed in the Portuguese Medicines Agency transparency platform (Plataforma de Comunicações - Transparência e Publicidade do INFARMED) within 30 days of payment or transfer of value date. Click here to access the platform. To access the disclosed information, insert “Gilead Sciences.” General enquiries about the disclosure should be directed here.

As of 2016, in line with our legal obligations to disclose payments and transfers of value, disclosure information in Slovakia is published on the National Health Information Center platform nczisk.sk every 6 months. Click here to see reports. Enquiries about the disclosed transfers of value should be directed here.

Following EFPIA's Board decision, the disclosure reports posted below include only the transfers of values made to HCOs based in Slovakia according to the EFPIA Code.

Click here to access transparency reporting information for Spain.

Click here to access transparency reporting information for Sweden.

Click here to access transparency reporting information for Switzerland.

Click here to access transparency reporting information for the Türkiye.

Click here to access transparency reporting information for the United Kingdom.

Click here to access transparency reporting information for Australia