A women giving speechA women giving speech

HepConnect supports programs and services designed to reach people in need.

In response to the intersecting opioid and hepatitis C virus (HCV) epidemics in the U.S., in 2019 we launched HepConnect, a five-year, multi-million-dollar initiative to help address the increase in HCV and support community partnerships in Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia.

HepConnect has three areas of focus:

  • Expand Screening and Linkage to Care
  • Support Harm Reduction and Community Education
  • Activate Healthcare Infrastructure
Expand Screening and Linkage to Care
HepConnect supports local community partnerships to expand testing for the virus and support access to healthcare.

  • HCV does not always cause symptoms immediately. Testing is the first step to ensure people receive treatment.
  • Access to healthcare can be difficult in rural areas, including much of greater Appalachia.
  • Many residents of the region lack insurance coverage, limiting their ability to get the care they need.
Support Harm Reduction and Community Education
Opening doors to harm reduction services can help reduce HCV transmission. HepConnect helps community partnerships and prevention programs:

  • Implement and expand evidence-based, practical strategies that can have a real impact on affected populations and their surrounding communities, including Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) programs and Syringe Exchange Programs (SEPs).
  • Remove barriers to services that are a critical part of the continuum of care and proven to reduce HCV rates.
  • Make harm reduction services available to all who need them.
Activate Healthcare Infrastructure
Building resources, know-how and capacity in communities where the need is greatest can make a difference. HepConnect works to:

  • Educate and expand the number of healthcare providers able to care for people with HCV across the region.
  • Support the implementation of telemedicine and other innovative programs that reach people where they are.
  • Develop local solutions, as they can be the most effective in combating rising rates of HCV.

HepConnect grantees are making an impact.

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