Three young Black men smiling together.Compass-Initiative-Banner-Mobile

The Gilead COMPASS (COMmitment to Partnership in Addressing HIV in Southern States) Initiative is a 10-year, $100+ million partnership with community-based organizations working to combat the HIV epidemic in the Southern United States.

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Half of all people living with an HIV diagnosis live in the Southern U.S.
Half of all new HIV diagnoses in the region are in Black individuals
Black women account for about a third of all new diagnoses of HIV

Areas of Focus & Coordinating Centers

We selected four Coordinating Centers to lead the focus areas of the COMPASS Initiative. Through Gilead funding, these centers provide support to local organizations that are committed to addressing the HIV epidemic in the U.S. South.

Capacity Building and Shared Knowledge

The Emory University Rollins School of Public HealthExternal-icon provides direct access to hands-on research and collaboration with the world's leading public health agencies. The Emory Coordinating Center builds on Emory’s extensive history of HIV research, training and technical assistance to support organizational capacity building. The center uses a data-driven approach to identify geographic areas where organizational capacity building can have the greatest impact.

Well-Being, Mental Health, Substance Use & Trauma-Informed Care

The University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work (GCSW)External-icon research initiatives and community partnerships have fueled successful HIV programs for more than a decade. The GCSW Coordinating Center enhances HIV prevention and care efforts by drawing attention to the role of wellness, trauma, mental health and substance use, while also increasing capacity to conduct comprehensive assessments using evidence-based screenings and appropriate follow-up care.

Stigma Reduction and Culturally Appropriate Care

The Southern AIDS Coalition (SAC)External-icon is a non-partisan coalition of government, community and business leaders working alongside thousands of individual members to prevent new infections and build a South inclusive of people living with HIV. The SAC works primarily through public health advocacy, capacity building and education, research and evaluation, and strategic grant-making — while the SAC Coordinating Center develops and supports education and advocacy efforts to address HIV-related stigma, discrimination and health inequities.

Faith-Based Advocacy & Spiritually Integrated Capacity Building

The Wake Forest University School of DivinityExternal-icon advances the capacity of faith communities to address the HIV epidemic in the U.S. South by utilizing a social justice framework, promoting interfaith engagement and fostering inclusion of LGBTQ+ communities. Wake Forest collaborates with interfaith partners, religious institutions, emerging faith leaders and community members to create inclusive faith spaces for people seeking to explore how faith and spirituality can help end HIV-related stigma, discrimination and inequities in care.