
The Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) region is one of few places in the world where the annual rate of HIV diagnoses continues to rise. Many people in this area are also not aware of their HIV status.

To address these challenges and help ensure no one is left behind in the global effort to end HIV, we have partnered with the Elton John AIDS Foundation to launch and support RADIAN.

RADIAN aims to meaningfully address new HIV infections and deaths from AIDS-related illnesses in EECA through focused action, investment and resourcing to bolster prevention efforts and improve quality of care for people at risk of or living with HIV in the region.


People have been reached with HIV services


Frontline workers trained in stigma reduction


People living with HIV connected with treatment


HIV tests provided

RADIAN Model Cities

RADIAN Model Cities provides significant funding to deliver measurable impact in addressing HIV in several EECA cities.

The program supports innovative approaches, including new models of care and expanded prevention and healthcare programs, led by groups that are on the ground and part of the community. The first RADIAN Model City is Almaty, Kazakhstan’s largest city.

RADIAN Unmet Need Fund

The RADIAN Unmet Need Fund supports local initiatives across the EECA region beyond the select Model Cities. Initiatives focus on prevention and care, education, community empowerment and new types of partnerships. The program is implemented locally, working with stakeholders and partners.

Learn More About RADIAN