
Women at Gilead's Mission

Women at Gilead is a global network dedicated to recruiting, developing, supporting and retaining women employees around the world. Women at Gilead aims to:

  • Ensure every woman feels valued and empowered
  • Provide ample professional development opportunities and ways to thrive in our organization
  • Be an effective vehicle to build a culture of equality and acceptance of diverse ideas and provide opportunities for training and developing employees
Being a person of color and one who immigrated to the U.K. from Kenya, inclusion and diversity have always been a huge area of interest for me — I didn’t have many people that looked like me in meeting rooms that I could relate to when I first joined. Fast forward to now, I'm so proud to see such a diverse employee base at Gilead, especially at the senior most level of the company. Taking on a leadership role with the ERG and engaging with other women in the organization has massively helped me build confidence, overcome challenges and significantly enriched my employee experience, which in turn enables me to contribute more meaningfully to the broader organizational culture and community.

Nishma Patel

Manager, Public Affairs
Women at Gilead, Strategic Liaison, Europe



Women at Gilead Impact

Enhancing Benefits

Women at Gilead leaders and members across various regions took initiative to identify challenges for working parents and/or caregivers and identified ways to improve their experiences. Members collaborated with the benefits team to incorporate employee feedback into program enhancements, which included addressing gaps in the leave management process, creating part-time work opportunities for employees returning from leave, increasing caregiver benefits and the implementation of a lactation courier service for working mothers. Women at Gilead continues to advocate for the use of mental health and wellbeing benefits ensuring that every employee has the support they need to thrive both personally and professionally.

People Leader Development

Women at Gilead is committed to uplifting employees' voices and raising awareness to help people leaders be more inclusive of women colleagues. The group’s input led to updating trainings and toolkits to include additional resources to benefit all Gilead employees.

Allyship & Networking

Women at Gilead regularly hosts events and opportunities to connect, including a fireside chat with Johanna Mercier, Chief Commercial Officer, on the importance of allyship in creating inclusion across all intersectionalities and the impact it has on the world around us. At this event, attendees discussed strategies to increase awareness, lead effectively and how best to implement these ideas.